The Pen A short-story from Afghanistan written in Dari |
Text & Translation |
The Pen by `Azam Rahnaward Zaryab |
قلم از اعظم رهنورد زریاب |
Learn the VOCABULARY for Part 2 |
See this story converted to
Iran-style Persian |
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wanted to take his pen in embrace but the pen like a living
creature escaped from him and SharafAdDin ran after him
excitedly. They ran and they ran until they reached
the raging river. When Sharaf AdDin saw the river, he
got frightened but the pen in the same way kept running in
the direction of the river. SharafAdDin shouted:
- This is a river....where are you going? |
شرف الدین میخواست قلمش را در آغوش بکشد، اما قلم مانند موجود
زندهیی از او فرار میکرد و شرف الدین با هیجان از دنبال قلم
میدوید. رفتند و رفتند تا نزدیک دریای خروشانی رسیدند.
شرف الدین که دریا را دید، ترسید، ولی
قلم همچنان به سوی دریا
شرف الدین فریاد زد:
- دریاست ... کجا میروی؟ |
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But the pen
didn't pay attention and went into the water. Then
very slowly, it sunk in the water and disappeared.
SharafAdDin looked at the roaring river with painful
longing. There was no more sign of the pen and he felt
the pen had taken his every thing down with it into the
river. |
ولی قلم اعتنایی نکرد و درون آب رفت. بعد، آرام آرام در
آب غرق شد و ناپدید گشت. شرف الدین با حسرت دردناکی
دریای خروشان را
مینگریست. دیگر از قلم خبری نبود و او
احساس میکرد که قلم همه چیزش را با خود به
دریا فرو برده است. |
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Then he saw his
brother who was sitting on a boulder and laughing silently.
A harsh anger overtook SharafAdDin's being. He
involuntarily ran towards his brother.
He grabbed him and
squeezed his neck. His brother writhed in despair.
At this moment, he heard the office assistant shouting: -
Your pen is under the table |
سپس برادرش را دید که روی تخته سنگی نشسته است و بیصدا
میخندد. خشم تندی وجود شرف الدین را فرا گرفت.
بیاختیار به سوی برادرش دوید. چنگ انداخت و گلویش را
فشرد. برادرش نومیدانه دست و پا میزد. در این
لحظه شنید که پیادهٔ دفترشان فریاد میزند:
- قلمتان زیر میز است! |
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Frightened and
shaken up, he arose from sleep. Day was just dawning
and he couldn't sleep any more. |
ترسان و تکان خورده از خواب برخاست.
دمدمهای صبح بود و
دیگر خوابش نبرد. |
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That day, he got
to the office before everyone else. The drawers of the
desk, the nooks and crannies of the room, between papers and
everywhere else he searched, but there was no sign of the
pen. Dispirited and helpless, he sat down on his chair
and with the tone of one who has recovered from some
exhausting work, he asked the office assistant: -
Have you seen my pen?
The office assisant looked this way and that way and
- No, I haven't seen any pen. |
آن روز زودتر از همه به دفتر رفت. روکهای میز، کنج و
کنار اتاق، لای کاغذها و همه جای دیگر را گشت، ولی از قلم اثری
نبود. دلمرده و وامانده روی
چوکیش نشست و با لحن آدمی که
از کاری طاقتفرسا به جان آمده باشد، از پیادهٔ دفتر پرسید:
- قلم مرا ندیدهای؟
پیاده این سو و آن
سو نگریست و جواب داد:
- نی، من قلمی ندیدهام. |
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When his
colleagues came, they saw SharafAdDin to their surprise who
was taking a nap with his left hand covering his eyes.
They asked:
- What happened?
SharafAdDin with the tone of a man who is speaking about
the death of a near one, said:
- My pen is lost ... I thought it must be here, but I
searched everywhere, it's not there. |
همکارانش که آمدند، با تعجب شرف الدین را دیدند که با دست چپش
چشمهایش را پوشانیده است و چُرت میزند.
- چی گپ شده؟
شرف الدین با لحن مردی که از مرگ نزدیکش
سخن گوید، گفت:
- قلمم گم شده ... فکر میکردم اینجا باشد،
ولی همه جا را پالیدم، نیست. |
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From that day
on, he was no longer able to work. Although his
colleagues presented him with another pen, he felt he could
no longer write good writings. He felt that the boss
accepted his writings with lack of interest and even one
time he felt that the boss was telling him with his eyes,
"Why don't you write like those earlier writings?" He
felt the clients also did not pay him respect any more.
One day when one of the clients protested about one of his
jobs, SharafAdDin shouted: |
از آن روز به بعد دیگر نتوانست کار کند. اگرچه همکارانش
قلم دیگری به او بخشیدند، ولی او احساس میکرد که دیگر
نمیتواند مکتوبهای خوب بنویسد. احساس میکرد که
مدیرش مکتوبهای او را با
بیعلاقگی میپذیرد و حتی یک بار احساس کرد
که مدیر با چشمهایش به او میگوید که چرا مثل آن
سابق نمینویسد. احساس میکرد که مراجعین هم دیگر به او
احترامی نمیگزارند. یک روز که یکی از
مراجعین به
او اعتراض کرد، شرف الدین فریاد کشید: |
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- How did you
figure out my pen had gotten lost?
His colleagues looked at him with surprise. The
next day, SharafAdDin fell sick. |
تو از کجا فهمیدهای که قلم من گم شده است؟
همکارانش با تعجب به او نگریستند. و شرف
الدین فردای آن روز بیمار شد. |
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