Today observe that onager/grave captured Bahram
(The key in this quatrain is the pun on “gur”
which means both “onager” and “grave”.
The Sassanid king Bahram was famous for his life-long passion to
hunt/capture onagers, so much so that he is known by the moniker "Bahram-e
gur" meaning "Bahram the onager
امروز نگر که گور بهرام گرفت
Persian from Heron-Allen, 33, based on the Calcutta MS,
C 99.
Edward FitzGerald Editions Inspired by this Quatrain.
Rubaiyāt, Stanza 18, 5th edition only
They say the Lion and the Lizard keep
The courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep:
And Bahrám, that great Hunter – the Wild Ass
Stamps o'er his Head, but cannot break his Sleep.
The information on this page has been taken, in part, from Barney
Rickenbacker's comprehensive collection of editions and
translations of Khayām and FitzGerald:
Exploring Khayyam.
The Quatrain on this page is his "Quatrain 24".