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The Rose Garden: Introduction
Photo coutesy of Don Paulson Photography http://donpaulson.com/
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گلستان از سعدی: دیباچه

One of my connections informed him how matters stood and told him that I had firmly determined and was intent upon spending the rest of my life in continual devotion and silence, advising him at the same time, in case he should be able, to follow my example and to keep aloof from me. (n.b. the original translation here, "and keep me company" was incorrect. mojānebat = to keep to the sides, stay aloof. Thanks to H. Behzadi for emailing this comment.) کسی از متعلّقان منش بر حسب واقع مطّلع گردانید که:  «فلان عزم کرده است و نیّت جزم که بقیّت عمر معتکف نشیند و خاموشی گزیند.  تو نیز اگر توانی سر خویش گیر و راه مجانبت پیش.»
He replied: 'I swear by the great dignity of Allah and by our old friendship that I shall not draw breath, nor budge one step, unless he converses with me as formerly, and in his usual way; because it is foolish to insult friends and easy to expiate an oath. It is against propriety, and contrary to the opinions of wise men that the Zulfiqar of A'li should remain in the scabbard and the tongue of Sa'di in his palate.' گفتا:  «به عزّت عظیم و صحبت قدیم، که دم بر نیارم، و قدم بر ندارم مگر آنگه که سخن گفته شود به عادت مألوف و طریق معروف که آزردن دوستان جهل است و کفّارت یمین سهل، و خلاف راه صواب است و نقض رای اولو الالباب ذو الفقار علی در نیام و زبان سعدی در کام.
O intelligent man what is the tongue in the mouth?
It is the key to the treasure-door of a virtuous man.
When the door is closed how can one know
Whether he is a seller of jewels or a hawker?
زبان در دهان ای خردمند چیست.
کلید در گنج صاحب هنر.

چو در بسته باشد چه داند کسی
که جوهر فروش است یا پیله‌ور.
Although intelligent men consider silence civil,
It is better for thee to speak at the proper time.
Two things betoken levity of intellect: to remain mute
When it is proper to speak and to talk when silence is
اگرچه پیش خردمند خامشی ادب است،
به وقت مصلحت آن به که در سخن کوشی.

دو چیز طیرهٔ عقل است:  دم فرو بستن به وقت گفتن، و گفتن به وقت خاموشی.
In short, I had not the firmness to restrain my tongue from speaking to him, and did not consider it polite to turn away my face from his conversation, he being a congenial friend and sincerely affectionate. فی الجمله، زبان از مکالمهٔ او در کشیدن قوّت نداشتم و روی از محادثهٔ او گردانیدن مروّت ندانستم  که یارْ موافق بود و ارادتْ صادق.
When thou fightest with anyone, consider
Whether thou wilt have to flee from him or he from thee.
چو جنگ آوری با کسی بر ستیز
که از وی گزیرت بود یا گریز.
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