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This page contains prose-poetry, translation, vocabulary flashcards and audio recording
The Rose Garden: Introduction
Photo coutesy of Don Paulson Photography http://donpaulson.com/
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گلستان از سعدی: دیباچه

I was under the necessity of speaking and then went out by way of diversion in the vernal season, when the traces of severe cold had disappeared and the time of the dominion of roses had arrived: به حکم ضرورت سخن گفتیم و تفرّج کنان بیرون رفتیم، در فصل ربیع که صولت برد آرمیده بود و اوان دولت ورد رسیده،
Green garments were upon the trees
Like holiday robes on contented persons.
On the first of the month Ardibihesht Jellali
The bulbuls were singing on the pulpits of branches.
Upon the roses pearls of dew had fallen,
Resembling perspiration on an angry sweetheart's cheek.
پیراهن برگ بر درختان،
چون جامهٔ عید نیک‌بختان

اوّل اردیبهشت ماه جلالی،
بلبل گوینده بر منابر قضبان.

بر گل سرخ از نم او فتاده لآلی
همچو عرق بر عذار شاهدِ غضبان
I happened to spend the night in a garden with one of my friends and we found it to be a pleasant cheerful place with heart-ravishing entangled trees; its ground seemed to be paved with small glass beads whilst, from its vines, bunches like the Pleiads were suspended. شب را به بوستان با یکی از دوستان اتفّاق مبیت افتاد، موضعی خوش و خرّم و درختان درهم.  گفتی که خردهٔ مینابر خاکش ریخته  و عقد ثریّا از تاکش در آویخته.
A garden the water of whose river was limpid
A grove the melody of whose birds was harmonious.
The former full of bright-coloured tulips,
The latter full of fruits of various kinds;
The wind had in the shade of its trees
Spread out a bed of all kinds of flowers.
روضة ماء نهرها سلسال
دوحة سجع طیرها موزون

آن پر از لاله‌های رنگارنگ
وین پر از میوه‌های گوناگون،

باد در سایهٔ درختانش
گسترانیده فرش بوقلمون.
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