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Clip 12



Text & Translation

Have you ever eaten french-fried frogs before?

French-fried frogs?

They flatten the frogs then fry them in oil.

Where on earth (do they do that)?

I don't know.

So it's not possible to order a dish of stew or eggplant or something which would put us at ease?

I'll order for you.  I promise it'll be delicious.

As to its being delicious, I'm certain.

Okay then what? Are you afraid of eating meat which is forbidden (harām in Islam) or religiously unclean (najas)?


Oh no, this is Iran. They definitely regulate [these things].

I hope so.

You don't seem the type (it doesn't fit you) to believe in all that.

I am.

You probably (lā bodd) even say your prayers?

All seventeen rounds (= 5 times) per day.
چیپس قورباغه خوردی؟

چیپس قورباغه؟

قورباغه رو پرس می‌کنن بعد تو روغن سرخ می‌کنن.

کجای دنیا؟


حالا نمی‌شه یه آبگوشتی، کشک بادمجونی چیزی سفارش بدیم خیالمون راحت بشه؟

من جای شما انتخاب می‌کنم.
قول می‌دم خوشمزه باشه.

از خوشمزگیش که مطمئنم.

خوب پس چی؟
میترسی گوشت حروم و نجس باشه؟


نه بابا اینجا ایرونه، حتماً کنترل می‌کنن.


بهتون نمیاد به این چیزا مقید باشید؟


لابد نمازم می‌خونید؟

هفده رکعت، روزی.



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