The letter `Ayn in Arabic and Persian. Hear and See the difference! |
3 sa`y 'try' | سعی |
1a Arabic Fushā |
sa`y |
سعی | The Arabic medial `ayn as pronounced by a native speaker of Arabic. This sound in this position is barely perceptible to Persian speakers. | |
1b Persian Written/Formal |
sa'y |
سعی | Arabic `ayn replaced by glottal stop. | |
1c Persian Spoken/Colloquial |
sa: y |
سَی | The glottal stop in turn replaced by a coalescing of vowels approaching a diphthong. (Don't spell it wrong!) | |
intentionally misspelled! | ||||
Go to the next example >> 4 da`vā (medial) |