Thematic Vocab -- Modifications -- Persian to English

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آینههای کوچک و بزرگ small and big mirrors
ازfrom, through, by
از ... تا ...‏from ... to/until .....
با لباسی سیاهwith a black set of clothing, with black clothes on, dressed in black
به رنگ دریا(with) the color of the sea
دانههای گندمseeds of wheat, grain
گل سرخred-rose
گل یخwintersweet, Chimonanthus (flower of ice)
گویندهspeaking, talking, speaker
هزارانthousands, thousands of
هزاران برگthousands of leaves
الیٰto, until, up to
کاغذیmade of paper, out of paper
کتابهای گویاtalking books, speaking books, audio books
لباسهای نو و سفید عروسی new, white wedding clothes/gowns
مجموعاًall together, in total
مدادرنگیcolor pencils
نام خودone's own name
پر ازfull of
پرتقالی = نارنجی orange (color)
قایقی به رنگ صورتیa boat with the color of pink, a pink-colored boat, a pink boat
قهوهایbrown (coffee-colored)
رنگین = رنگارنگ colorful
روشنbright, lit, light, clear
ساحلنشینone residing on the shore, seaside-dwelling
سازهای موسیقیmusical instruments
صدای باد و بارانsound/noise of wind and rain
شاخههای جوانyoung stems
شنوندهٔ عزیزdear listener
سرخ = قرمزred
زنده و جوانalive and young
بر تن داردhe/she/it has on body, is wearing, is dressed in
به دریا چشم دوخته استhe/she/it has sewn eye to the sea, is staring at the sea
در انتظارin expectation of, awaiting
دوختهsewn, stitched, riveted
غرقdrowning, sinking
گوش به زنگ هستندthey are ear-to-the-bell, they are waiting, looking forward to
کشیده بودندthey had drawn; they were drawn
خیرهstaring, gazing