Compensatory Lengthening: /h/ (he-ye hotti and he-ye havvaz) deletion in Spoken Persian

Listen to the pairs of words below. In each pair, the same word is pronounced in Written/Formal style and in Spoken/Colloquial style Persian.  In Written/Formal style, the two letters he (he-ye hotti and he-ye havvaz info) are usually pronounced identically (although in Arabic they are pronounced differently.) In Spoken/Colloquial style, this /h/  is often replaced (especially in high-frequency, everyday words depending on the speaker, audience and situation, etc) by a lengthening of the previous vowel. To be more precise, the he is deleted and then the previous vowel is uttered for a slightly longer duration. Note that words are very rarely seen written in Persian the way they are actually pronounced. You will only see words "mis-spelled" without the he in a very few cartoons or an occasional dialogue in a story or novel. You should avoid this usage while being aware of it. It is rarer than writing "gonna", for example in English. Please see the similar compensatory lengthening with `ayn / glottal stop deletion. Note: Factors such as the final syllable being "open" (Vowel + Consonant pattern) and the word having more than one syllable may be at play here
1 short
1a Written: kutāh (the /h/ is pronounced) کوتاه Note: May be “Final Consonant Deletion” here, not Compensatory Lengthening. (Multisyllabic also final VC)
1b Spoken: kutā: (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /ā/ is uttered for a longer duration) کوتا


2 explanation
2a Written: towzih (can also be transliterated /tawzih/) (the /h/ is pronounced) توضیح Note: May be “Final Consonant Deletion” here, not Compensatory Lengthening. (Multisyllabic also final VC)
2b Spoken: towzi:  (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /i/ is uttered for a longer duration) توضی


3 along with
3a Written: ham-rāh (the /h/ is pronounced) هم‌راه Note: May be “Final Consonant Deletion” here, not Compensatory Lengthening. (Multisyllabic also final VC)
3b Spoken: ham-rā: (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /ā/ is uttered for a longer duration) هم‌را


4 reform
4a Written: eslāh (the /h/ is pronounced) اصلاح Note: May be “Final Consonant Deletion” here, not Compensatory Lengthening. (Multisyllabic also final VC)
4b Spoken: eslā: (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /ā/ is uttered for a longer duration) اصلا


5 hard work, exertion
5a Written: zahmat (the /h/ is pronounced) زحمت  
5b Spoken: za: mat (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /a/ is uttered for a longer duration) زمت  


6 mistake
6a Written: eshtebāh (the /h/ is pronounced) اشتباه Note: May be “Final Consonant Deletion” here, not Compensatory Lengthening. (Multisyllabic also final VC)
6b Spoken: eshtebā: (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /ā/ is uttered for a longer duration) اشتبا


7 discussion
7a Written: bahs (the /h/ is pronounced) بحث  
7b Spoken: ba: s (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /a/ is uttered for a longer duration) بث  


8 correction
8a Written: tashih (the /h/ is pronounced) تصحیح Note: Possibly no Compensatory Lengthening here due to absence of moraic slot needing to be filled.
8b Spoken: ta:si: (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowels /a/ and /i/ are uttered for a longer duration) تصی


9 explanation
9a Written: sharh (the /h/ is pronounced) شرح  
9b Spoken: shar: (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /a/ is uttered for a longer duration) شر  


10 mountain-climbing
10a Written: kuh-navardi (the /h/ is pronounced) کوه‌نوردی Note: May be “Final Consonant Deletion” here, not Compensatory Lengthening. (Multisyllabic also final VC)
10b Spoken: ku: -navardi (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /u/ is uttered for a longer duration) کو‌نوردی


11 breakfast
11a Written: sobhāne (the /ān/ to /un/ conversion and the word-final he as a spelling convention are separate topics!)  (the /h/ is pronounced) صبحانه Note: Possibly no Compensatory Lengthening here due to absence of moraic slot needing to be filled.
11b Spoken: so: bune (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /o/ is uttered for a longer duration) صبونه


12 swearing, curse-word
12a Written: fohsh (the /h/ is pronounced) فحش  
12b Spoken: fo: sh (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /o/ is uttered for a longer duration) فش  


13 better
13a Written: behtar (the /h/ is pronounced) بهتر  
13b Spoken: be: tar (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /e/ is uttered for a longer duration) بتر  


14 conversation
14a Written: sohbat (the /h/ is pronounced) صحبت  
14b Spoken: so: bat (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /o/ is uttered for a longer duration) صبت  


15 gift
15a Written: tohfe (the /h/ is pronounced) تحفه  
15b Spoken: to: fe (the /h/ is deleted and the preceding vowel /o/ is uttered for a longer duration) تفه  
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