Compensatory Lengthening: `ayn (glottal stop) deletion in Spoken Persian

Listen to the pairs of words below. In each pair, the same word is pronounced in Written/Formal style and in Spoken/Colloquial style Persian.  In Written/Formal style, the letter `ayn is usually pronounced as a glottal stop. In Spoken/Colloquial style, the `ayn/glottal stop is usually replaced by a lengthening of the previous vowel. To be more precise, the `ayn/glottal stop is deleted and then the previous vowel is uttered for a slightly longer duration. Note that words are very rarely seen written in Persian the way they are actually pronounced. You will only see words "mis-spelled" without the `ayn in a very few cartoons or an occasional dialogue in a story or novel. You should avoid this usage while being aware of it. It is rarer than writing "gonna", for example in English.
1 apology
1a Written: ma`zerat (the `ayn is pronounced as a glottal stop) معذرت  
1b Spoken: ma: zerat (the `ayn is deleted and replaced with a lengthened /a/) مذرت  


2 beginning
2a Written: shoru` (the `ayn is pronounced as a glottal stop) شروع  
2b Spoken: shoru: (or even shuru: ) (the `ayn is deleted and replaced with a lengthened /u/) شرو  


3 ceremony
3a Written: ta`ārof (the `ayn is pronounced as a glottal stop) تعارف  
3b Spoken: tā: rof (the `ayn is deleted and replaced with a lengthened /ā/) تارف  


4 removal of defect
4a Written: raf`-e naqs (the `ayn is pronounced as a glottal stop) رفعِ نقص  
4b Spoken: ra:f-e naqs (the `ayn is deleted and replaced with a lengthened /a/) رفِ نقص  


5 interpretation
5a Written: ta`bir: (the `ayn is pronounced as a glottal stop) تعبیر  
5b Spoken: ta: bir (the `ayn is deleted and replaced with a lengthened /a/) تبیر  
This list is also available as a drag and drop exercise.

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