Poetry |
شعر فارسی | |
Rumi مولوی |
این بیت از مولانا جلال الدین رومی را از بر کنید:
Listen to the reed how it tells a tale | بشنَوْ از نَیْ چون حکایت میکُند | |
complaining of separations-- | از جُدائیها شِکایَت میکند | |
Saying, "Ever since I was parted from the reed-bed, | کز نیستان تا مرا بُبْریدهاند | |
my lament hath caused man and woman to moan. (Transl. by R.A. Nicholson) | از نفیرم مرد و زن نالیدهاند | |
Sa`di سعدی |
این شعر از شیخ سعدی را از بر کنید:
Children of Adam are members of one body, | بنی آدم اعضای یک پیکرند | |
Who in Creation are of one essence. | که در آفرینش ز یک گوهرند | |
If hard fortune should bring an organ to pain, | چو عضوی به درد آورد روزگار | |
The other members do not remain calm. | دگر عضوها را نماند قرار | |
You, who of misery of others, are without sorrow, | تو کز محنت دیگران بیغمی | |
It is not proper, they should call you Human. | نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی | |
Hāfez حافظ Get the handwritten version (PDF) listen to the poem recited (mp3) |
a lā yā ay| yu hā sā qi | a der ka' san | wa nā vel hā | اَلا یا اَیها اَلْسّاقی اَدِر کأساً و ناوَلِها | |
Oh hey you cupbearer, pass around a cup and serve it | ||
ke `esh qā sān|na mu dav val |va li of tā|DO mosh kel hā | کِه عِشْق آسان نمود اَوَّل وَلی اُفْتاد مُشْکِلها | |
for love seemed easy at first but difficulties fell | ||
be bu ye nā| fe i kā kher| sa bā zān tor| re bog shā yad | بِه بوی نافَهاِی کِه آخِر صَبا زان طُرَّه بِگُشاید | |
with just a hope of a whiff of musk which, finally in the end, the breeze might open up from the lock of hair | ||
ze tā be zol | fe mosh ki nash| che khu nof tā|DO dar del hā | زِ تابِ زُلْفِ مُشْکینَش چِه خون اُفْتاد دَردِلها | |
from the twist of his/her musky lock what blood fell in the heart | ||
be may saj jā| de ran gin kon| ga rat pi re| mo ghān gu yad | بِه مَی سَجّادَه رَنْگین کُن گَرَت پیرِ مُغان گوید | |
color with wine the prayer rug if to you the elder of the Maji's says | ||
ke sā lek bi| kha bar nab vad |ze rā ho ras| me man zel hā | کِه سالِک بیخَبَر نَبُوَد زِ راه و رَسْمِ مَنْزِلها | |
that the traveler of the way not be ignorant as to the way and custom of the stages (places to get down) | ||
ma rā dar man | ze le jā nān | che am ne `ay | SHO chon har dam | مَرا دَر مَنْزِلِ جانان چِه اَمْنِ عَیش چوُن هَر دَم | |
for me in the station of the beloved what peace of life (or respite for enjoyment) when every moment | ||
ja ras far yā| DO mi dā rad| ke bar ban di |DO mah mel hā | جَرَس فَرْیاد میدارَد کِه بَر بَنْدید مَحْمِلها | |
the [caravan] bell is shouting to tie up the saddle packs | ||
sha be tā ri | ko bi me maw| jo ger dā bi | cho nin hā el | شَبِ تاریک و بیمِ مَوج و گِرْدابی چُنین هائل | |
the dark night and fear of wave and a typhoon is so horrible | ||
ko jā dā nan | DO hā le mā | sa bok bā rā | ne sā hel hā | کُجا دانَنْد حالِ ما سَبُکْبارانِ ساحِلها | |
how would they know our condition, the light-burdened ones of the shore | ||
ha me kā ram| ze khod kā mi| be bad nā mi |ke shi dā ri | هَمَه کارَم زِ خُودکامی بِه بَدنامی کَشید آری | |
all my activities [done] with a view to self-gratification have led to ill-fame (bad exposure in public), yes | ||
na hān kay mā |nad ān rā zi | kaz ān sā zan |DO mah fel hā | نِهان کَی مانَد آن رازی کَز آن سازَنْد مَحْفِلها | |
hidden when/where/how would that secret remain from those who make assemblies | ||
ho zu ri gar | ha mi khā hi | a zu ghā ib | ma sho hā fez | حُضوری گَر هَمی خواهی اَز اُو غایب مَشَو حافِظ | |
if you want just this (very thing) [to register] a (your) presence, don't absent [yourself] from him/her, Hafez | ||
ma tā mā tal |qa man tah vā |da `ad don yā |wa ah mel hā | مَتی ما تَلْقَ مَن تَهْوَی دَع الْدّنیا و اَهْمِلْها | |
as soon as that which is desired is found, leave the world and ignore it | ||
Due to this they consider me dear in the monastery of the Zoroastrians | از آن به دیر مغانم عزیز میدارند | |
That the fire that does not die is ever in my heart. | که آتشی که نمیرد همیشه در دل ماست | |