پسرک خیلی آروم به نظر میرسه. |
The little boy seems very quiet/calm/gentle. The little boy appears to be
very quiet/calm/gentle. |
پیرمرد آروم رو شانهٔ پسرک زد. | The old man gently tapped
the little boy on the shoulder. |
پیرمرد آروم بود امّا پسربچهها هیجانزده
بودند. | The old man was calm but the little boys were
excited. |
پیرمرد آرومآروم حرف میزنه. |
The old man speaks very slowly/softly. |
با قطار تند اومدم اینجا. | I came here by the fast
train. |
اون همیشه تند راه میره. |
He/She always walks fast. |
این مبل کلی راحته! | This sofa is totally comfortable! |
اون مرد خیلی راحت دروغ میگه. |
That man tells lies very casually (as if no big deal.) |
هیچ سؤال دیگهای نداری؟ |
Do not you have any another question? (written: digar, spoken: dige) |
دیگه از اینجا خسته شدم! | I’m tired of this place
already/you know! |
دختر روی صندلی سخت نشست. | The girl sat down on the
hard chair. |
مادر خیلی سخت با دخترای خودش دعوا میکنه. |
The mother speaks very harshly with her daughters. |
این قایق رو از چوب سخت ساختن. | They made the boat
out of hard wood. |
موج دریا سخت روی ساحل میزنه. |
The waves hit the shore hard. |
پسر خوب به پدرش کمک میکنه. |
The good boy helps his father. |
پدر به پسر گفت: «به دریا خوب نگاه کن!» | The father
told the boy, “Look well/carefully at the sea.” |
در خونه بازه. | The door of the house is open. |
اون پسر بازم (باز هم) سؤال داره. | That boy has
another question. |
جملهٔ اوّل چی بود؟ | What was the first sentence? |
نمیتونم. اوّل اینکه وقت ندارم و دوّم اینکه
اصلاً نمیخوام. | I
can’t. Firstly, I don’t have time and secondly, I don’t want to at all. |
آه! جمله درست نبود؟ | Oh! The sentence was not
correct?!! |
زنگ مدرسه درست سر ساعت ۸ خورد. |
The school bell rang at exactly 8:00. |
دیروز اون با باباش صحبت تلفنی داشت. | Yesterday
he/she had a telephone conversation with his/her dad. |
اون با باباش تلفنی صحبت کرد. | He/she spoke with
his/her dad by phone. |
پیرمرد با قدمایی یواش به سوی ساحل رفت. | The old man,
with slow footsteps, went to the shore. |
قایق٬ یواش به ساحل نزدیک شد. | The boat slowly got
near to the shore. (The comma in the Persian sentence is used to
disambiguate here. Without the comma,a reading of qāyeq-e yavāsh which would
make it adjectival is possible.) |
با زحمت بسیار پوست سخت گردو رو شکست. | With much
effort, he/she broke the walnut shell. |
پوست گردو خیلی سخت میشکنه. |
Walnut shells break with difficulty. |