ناپایدری | transience, instability |
ناپایدریها | instabilities, unstable weather systems, weather fronts |
مناطق = منطقهها | areas, zones, regions |
مرکزی | central |
سواحل = ساحلها | coasts, shores |
شمالی | northern |
بهتدریج | gradually |
شمال شرق | northeast |
کشورمون = کشورمان = کشورِ ما | our country |
کشیده خواهد شد | it will become drawn, dragged, pulled |
لازم به ذکر | necessary to mention |
شدّت | intensity, severity |
فعالیّتهای بارشی | activities of rain, rain activity |
فعالیّت | activity |
بارش | rain |
بارشی | rainy |
از ... تا ... | from ... to ... |
بخش | part, district, division |
جنوبی | southern |
پیشبینی شده = پیشبینی شده است | it has been predicted |
سرکار خانوم = سرکار خانم | Ms. (respectful form of address to a female) |
در خدمتتونم = در خدمتتانم = در خدمتِ شما هستم | I am at your service |
کدوم = کدام؟ | which? |
استان | province |
شاهدِ ... هستن | they are witness to, they are seeing, experiencing |
بارشِ باران | raining of rain, shower of rain |
باران | rain |
همچنین | in this manner, thus, so, also, as well (as), likewise, such |
مثل مناطقی | like some regions, such as certain regions |
از قبیل = مثل | such as |
در حال حاضر | at the present time |
رگبار | shower |
رعد | thunder |
برق | lightning, electricity |
خواهش میکنم که بفرمایید = خواهش میکنم که بگویید | I request that you say, Please say (polite) |
گرمترین | hottest |
سردترین | coldest |
کجاها؟ | where? in which all places? |
از نقطهٔ نظرِ | from the point of view of ... |
نوسانات = نوسانها | vacillations, oscillations, fluctuations |
نوسان | vacillation, oscillation, fluctuation |
دما | temperature |
دمایی | temperature; thermal |
غرب | west |
دماشون = دماشان | their temperatures |
نسبت به | relative to, compared to |
افزایش | increase |
افزایش پیدا کرده | it has developed at increased, it has increased |
پیدا کرده = پیدا کرده است | it has developed, it has found |
قسمتهای شرقی | eastern sections, eastern areas |
کاهش دما رو = کاهش دما را | decrease of temperature + direct object marker |
کاهش | decrease |
مرکز | center; capital; principal seathead-office, headquarters |
مرکز استانی | provincial capital |
پونزده = پانزده | fifteen |
درجه | degree |
صفر | zero |
بوده = بوده است | it was, it was reported to be |
توضیحاتتون = توضیحاتتان = توضیحاتِ شما | your explanations |
توضیحات = توضیحها | explanations |
خدا نگه دار = خدا حافظ | God keep you, good-bye |
متشکّرم = متشکّر هستم | I'm thanking, thank you |