Ibrāhim Golestān Interview: Part 2 -- Flashcards -- Persian to English

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یه وقتایی‌ام = یک وقت‌هایی هم

certain times, too, at times also

هیچوقت از اینکه از ... جلو بیافتم نمی‌دویدم

never from this point that I fall ahead of ... did I used to run = I didn't run for the sake of coming out ahead of ...

از حسن یا حسین یا تقی یا نقی جلو بیافتم

that I should fall ahead of Hasan or Hosayn or Taqi or Naqi = that I come out ahead of Tom, Dick and Harry

می‌خواستم بیشتر پریده باشم

I was wanting to have jumped further (perfect subjunctive expressing desire to have completed an act)

خودتون هستین دیگه

you yourself are [the one], after all


usual, familiar

چنین پیدا است

it appears; it sounds like

وختی = وقتی = وقتی که

when ...

در عین حال

at the same time, however

یک معترضم = یک معترض هم

a protestor, too

فیلما = فیلم‌ها


اینا = این‌ها

these; things like these, so on and so forth

مسایلی‌ام = مسایلی هم = مسأله‌ها هم

issues/problems too
خونش = خانهاش
his/her house

بکشونه = بکشاند

that he/she/it pull

تکون بده = تکان بدهد

that he/she/it move [something], give a push, poke, stir up


bowl, big cup, goblet

فنجون = فنجان


هستش = هست

is, exists. (The -esh suffix is a remnant of an older stage of the language which has survived in the Tehrān dialect. It is not the 3rd singular pronominal suffix.)

فراوون = فراوان

plenty, many

نوشته نشده = نوشته نشده است یا نوشته نشده بود

has not been written /was not written

نتونستم = نتوانستم

I could not, I was not able

برای من فرق نمی‌کنه

it makes no difference to me

مسایلی که منو به اعتراض بکشونه

the issues which might draw me into protest

فراوون بوده = فراوون بوده است

they (inanimate plural) have been many, in abundance

در تمام طول زندگی من

all throughout my life

گاهی وقت


یه اعتراض جا نداره

a protest is out of place, it is not the right time for a protest, unsuitable, ill-timed


you forgive it, let it go, you ignore it

تو می‌بخشیش به اون کارخوبی که انجام داره میده

you forgive it for that good work he/she is doing

الآن = الان


قابل تحسین


که بایستی قابل اعتراض باشد

must be protestable, worthy of protest, subject to protest



تو اعتراضتو فرو می‌خوری

you swallow your protest

صبر می‌کنی

you wait

که وقتش بشه

that it be its time, the right time, the proper moment


as if, it seems as though

برای مسخره کردن کسی

for making fun of someone, for ridiculing someone

تمام آدمای برجسته = تمام آدم‌های برجسته

all the outstanding, prominent people

مشخصه = علائم مشخصه

distinguishing marks


I brought [them] out, I incorporated [them]I depicted them, I put them in [the film]

هر کسی که او توی قصّه هست

everyone who he is in the story = everyone who is in the story

هس = هست

he/she/it is, exists

چیکار = چکار = چه کار

what job, what work, what

پشت نوشته‌هاتون = پشت نوشته‌های شما

behind your writings, inside your writings

شربت آب‌لیمو

chilled lemon beverage similar to lemonade

فیلم غیر مستند

non-documentary film


-non, -un, not, other than