فرنگ | Europe (land of the Franks) |
حثیّت | status, condition |
وسعت | extent, space, capacity |
خاک | land, soil, territory |
ربع | one quarter, one fourth |
همان .... هم | that which ... also |
صنعت | industry |
مهام | important affairs |
مهام ملکی | important domestic affairs, important affairs of the country |
ملک | country |
مناط | basis, example |
پس | thus, therefore, then |
جهد | effort, endeavor |
باید جهد کرد | one must strive |
دامن | skirt, hem, shirt |
به دست آوردن | to bring to hand, to obtain, to get |
به دست آریم = به دست آوریم | [that] we obtain |
بلی = بله | yes (old fashioned, literary) |
نگفتم مگر | Did I not [just] say? (Yes!) magar + negative verb anticipates positive answer |
برای | for the sake of; due to |
برای همین یک کلمه | due to this, on account of this very word |
همین یک کلمه | just this one word |
کلمه | word |