مجدّ | diligent, striving hard, energetic. |
فضلا | people of learning, learned men |
ترقیّات | progress(es), advancements |
به واسطهٔ کار | by means of work, through work |
رنج | pain, pains, suffering, toil |
حکما = حکماء = حکیمها | doctors, philosophers, wise men, sages |
ارباب غیرت | men of honor, people zealously guarding their honor |
ارباب | lords, men, owners of |
غیرت | sense of honor |
تجارب = تجربهها | experiences, experiments |
ذخیره | reserve, stores |
جمله | the whole, all, the collection |
سخت | in a difficult manner, harshly, very badly |
پریشانی | distress |
دفع | repelling, getting rid of, warding off |
استیصال | extreme poverty |
چاره | means, remedy, cure |
غنیمت | booty, spoil, windfall, opportunity |
چنگ | claw, grip clutch |