Bachche-Susul -- Blog Story -- Shāhr-e Fereshte-hā
Choose one correct multiple-choice answer.
Why is the verb mi-khād in the present tense here? Shouldn't it be
Dustām zang zad ke mi-khād bere doktor?
- Mi-khād is correct! Persian does not require
sequencing of tenses in indirect expressions as we are used to in English.
- Mi-khād is wrong! Since spoken Persian has no
grammar, they say any old thing.
What is the most commonly used synonym of the Tehrān colloquial word vāse?
- barā-ye
- jahat-e
What verb is used to mean "to put on" when it comes to earrings?
- andākhtan
- pushidan
What is the modern way to say "mom" in Tehran?
- māman
- nane
- mādar
What is "inā" in the phrase "māmānesh inā"?
- "In-hā" or "inā" is just like "et cetera": mom and other
family members.
What is a synonym of "bāhāsh" meaning "with him/her/it"?
- "bāsh"
- "azash"
What is the extra letter Heh (-e) on the end of some words like "doktore", "monshiye"?
- That is the definite article "the" found in spoken but not
written style Persian
- It is a feminine marker originally the tah marbuta in
From what language has Persian borrowed a common word meaning "process"?
- "procès" from French
- "porche" from German
What have I done if I say "za`f kardam"?
- I have fainted.
- I have become weak.
In the phrase "fekr kardam mordi", what tense is the verb "mordi" and how
can you prove it?
- Present Perfect, "You have died" which is proved by
listening to the audio and hearing the stress on the final syllable.
- Simple Past. "You died". Doh, it's written right there!
What do these three words mean: susul, titish, māmāni?
- Each means "sissy" and can be used together or each alone.
All apply to both males and females.
- The whole thing is a fixed expression meaning "someone who
pays a lot of attention to dressing well."
What is the meaning of "hers-am gerefte bud"?
- I had started to get mad.
- I had been seized with jealousy.
What is the meaning of these characters found in the middle of the text?
- It's the Persianized version of the emoticon :D indicating
great happiness.
- Some sort of garbage characters caused by the browser being
unable to render the Persian correctly.
What is the meaning of `omran in the expression "man `omran betunam
chenin kāri anjām bedam"?
- "Never [in a lifetime]." It does not necessarily require a
negative verb.
- "It will take a lifetime", "a long time"