روزنامه | newspaper |
روزنامهٔ تاگواخت | the newspaper, Tagwacht |
منطبعهٔ بِرْن | published in Bern, publication of Bern |
سویس | Switzerland |
قتل نفس | murder of a person, homicide, killing of a soul |
نفس | soul, person. Pronunciation: nafs |
ناحق | unjustified, unlawful, undue, false |
ادّعا | claim, pretension |
آزادیطلبی | the seeking of freedom |
همعهد | ally |
روسیّه | Russia |
بنا | foundation |
بنایش | its foundation |
بر | upon, on |
استبداد | despotism |
همترازو | of the same weight, equal |
نمودن | to appear, to cause to appear, to show; to do |
ژورنال دو ژِنِو | Journal de Genève |
معروف | famous, known |
طرفداری | support, taking the side of |
نسبت به انگلیس | towards England, with respect to England |
متّفقین = متّفقها | allies, the Allied forces |
اغلب | mostly, most of the time, strongly, most prevalently, most, the most part |
مصداق | meaning, sense, proof, evidence, applicability (often used in the sense of "par excellence" before quoting a saying |
کاسه از آش گرمتر | bowl hotter than the soup = more Catholic than the Pope |
کاسه | bowl, cup |
آش | āsh, a kind of thick soup |
گرمتر | more hot, warmer, hotter |
و دایهٔ مهربانتر از مادر | nurse kinder [to the child] than the mother = more Catholic than the Pope |
دایه | nurse |
مهربانتر | more nice, kinder |
تفصیل | detail(s) |
واقعه | incident, event |
چون | since, because. Pronunciation: chun (older), chon (newer) |
نخواستند که < نخواستن | they did not want that < to not want |
داستان | story |
جان دادن یک نفر | to give the live of one person, the giving of the life of one person |
یک نفر وطنپرستی | one patriot, one individual patriot |
حسّیات | feelings, sentiments |
مردانه | manly courageous |
حسّیات مردانه | courageous feelings |
تأثیر | effect, impression, influence |
ناگوار | unpleasant, onwholesome, indigestible |
تأثیر ناگواری | an unsavory influence, a negative impact |
نخواستند که .. بر تأثیر ناگواری ... بیفزاید | they didn't want ... the negative impact ... increase |
رفتار | behavior, act |
عموماً | generally, universally |
احداث نمودن = احداث کردن | to erect, to establish, to create |
جمیع | all, the whole |
وقایعنگاران = وقایعنگارها | journalists |
شاهدِ ... بودهاند | they were witness to, they saw, they witnessed |
کشتن کزمنت | to kill Casement, the killing of Casement |
متّفق | allied, agreeing with each ither |
متّفقاند = متّفق هستند | they are in agreement |
بدونِ هیچگونه | without any kind of |
سستی | frailty, weakness, remissness, slackness |
تردید | doubt, hesitation |
تردیدی | a doubt, any doubt |
ندامت | regret, remorse |
تحسّر | regret, regretting |
تحسّری | any regret(s) |
متانت | self - possession, coolness, firmness |
شجاعت | bravery |
بر سر دار رفت | he went upon the gallows |
مطمئنّ | assured, confident, certain, secure, safe (the tashdid is normally not written on the final nun) |
مرگ | death |
نجات | deliverance, salvation |
مفید | useful, beneficial |
.... مفید خواهد بود | [that] it will be useful, it would be useful |
مرگ او | his death |