In the event that, if, should; (often used interchangebly with chonān-ke: as, just as) | چنانچه |
As, just as (often used interchangebly with chonān-che: In the event that, if, should) | چنانکه |
the good, the good ones, the good people | خوبها |
the good ones among them, their good people | خوبهای آنها |
profit, benefit, interest | نفع |
their profit | نفعشان |
whole, all; the whole | تمام |
layer, stratum; class, category; stage; grade; order, group; floor, level | طبقه |
categories, classes; strata, layers | طبقات = طبقهها |
dish, tray | طبق |
both ... and ... | هم ... هم ... |
people, the people, the public, the populace | مردم |
country, the country | کشور |
independence | استقلال |
its independence | استقلال آن |
more | بیشتر |
higer | بالاتر |
One of Khomeini's pet words! Pronounced in Arabic as lāken, the dagger alef is not normally written; the Persian equivalent is likan. Meaning: but, however. | لکن = لٰکن |
the likes of, like | امثال = مثلها |
Rezā Khān = Reza Pahlavi, (March 15, 1878 – July 26, 1944), Shah of Iran from December 15, 1925 to September 16, 1941. | رضا خان |
spiritual; cleric | روحانی |
The letter of the alphabet called "hā-e havvaz" | هاء هوّز = ه |
they write, one writes, it is written | مینویسند |
The letter of the alphabet called "hā-e hotti" | حاء حطّی = ح |
soldier-thief | سرباز دزد |