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گل گفتی و زیبا گفتی | You've just said something correct and splendid |
هدیهای شایسته | a suitable gift |
فوری | at once, immediately |
ظرف آب پاکیزهای | a container of clean water |
افکند | he threw, dumped |
رو به قصرِ پادشاه | facing / in the direction of the emperor's castle |
روان شد | he set off |
موقعی رسید (که) | at the moment when he arrived |
آب انداخته بودند | they had dumped / poured in water |
جلوه و صفای حوض | beautiful appearance and serenity |
کشتی | boat |
جواهرنشان | set with jewels / jewel-studded |
شناور کرده بودند | they had made [it] swimming, floating |
بازدید | visiting, checking up on |
ساختمان | building, constructing |
چرخ میزد | it made circles, went in circles |
تقدیم کرد | he offered |
از تمام ماهیها زیباتر | it was more beautiful than all the fishes |
خوشوقت | happy |
دستور داد | he gave the order |
تومان / تومن | Tumān / Toman, unit of money |
انعام | bonus |
پاداش | reward |
نزدیکان پادشاه | ones close to the emperor |
وزیری حسابگر | a calculating minister |
آهسته | quietly |
قربان | Dear (You for whom I would sacrifice my life |
با گرفتن صد تومان هم | even with the taking of 100 Tuman |
خوشحال میشود | he would have been happy |
چرا که | because |
ماهیگیرها بسیارند | fishermen are many |
اگر چه | although |
بخشش | gift-giving |
کار پسندیدهای است | it is a nice act |
اسراف | extravagance, squandering |
خزانه | treasury |
زیان | loss |
حالا گذشته است | now that's passed, it's too late |
بخیل | miserly |
حیلهای | a trick |
وعده خلافی | going-back on a promise |
تجربهدیده | experienced |
خُرّم | cheerful |