Directions: Click on Next.
برای اینکه من راضی باشم | in order for this that I should become willing |
حلال | allowed, proper; ritually edible food |
عوض دو کبوتر | in exchange for two pigeons |
آن درسی را که دارید میخوانید | that lesson which you are reading |
بر سر آن گفتگو داشتید | about which you were conversing |
بعد از آنکه | after that that..., after this that.... |
وفا میکنم | I remain faithful, loyal |
عیبش این است که | the problem with it is that |
سواد | literacy |
تازه اگر هم | even if |
که بدرد زندگی بخورد | that would be useful |
بر فرض که | on the assumption that, imagining that |
به جای خود | granted, that's another matter |
به دست میآید | comes to the hand, is acquired |
هر کلمهای که | every word that |
به کار میآید | comes in handy, is used |
آفرین | bravo |
آدم چیزفهم | intelligent man, one who understands things |
خنثی | neutral, neuter |
مطابقِ | according to |
اصول | rules, principles |
ارث | inheritance |
منتظر نشست | he sat waiting |
ظرفی که همراه داشت | a container which he had on him |
هی آن را نگاه میکرد | he kept looking at it |
دست قدرت خداوند | the hand of the power of the Lord |
چه موجود | what a creature! |
ظریف | elegant, fine |
بوجود آورده | he has brought into existence |
رنگ آمیزی | color-blending |
دارای رنگهای گوناگون بود | had various colors |
فلس | scale (of fish) |
نقرهای | silvery |
بال | fin |
جلوه | appearance, manifestation, air, beauty |
دلفریب | charming, enchanting |
بیا و ببین | Come and see! |
خوشگل | pretty, beautiful |
عروس | bride |
هفت قلم آرایش شده | dressed up / made up like a bride |
از دیدار آن ماهی | due to seeing that fish |
فریاد شادی کشید | she gave a shout of happiness |
حیف است که | it's a shame / pity that |
مصرف خوراک | consumption of food |
به عنوان هدیه | as a gift |
حوض مرمری | marble pool |
قصر | castle, fortress |
پادشاه | emperor |
آوازه | fame |