Directions: Click on Next.
روزی بود و روزگاری بود | Once upon a time |
شکارچی | hunter |
بعضی | a few, some |
بیابان | desert |
کبک | partridge |
کبوتر | pigeon |
صحرائی | desert (adjective) |
شکار کردن | shekār kardan |
کنار | edge, shore |
صید کردن | to hunt |
زندگی | life |
روبهراه کردن | to set up, to put in order |
آقا | gentleman, sir, Mr. |
گوشهای | a corner, one corner |
تپّه | hill, mound |
قدری | an amount, a little |
گندم | wheat |
برنج | rice |
ارزن | millet |
پاشیده بود | he had sprinkled |
دام | trap |
یعنی | that is, meaning |
تور | net |
روی آن | on top of it |
آماده کرده بود | he had prepared |
خودش | he himself |
سر نخ آن | the end of the string of it |
گرفته بود | he had grabbed (it), he was holding (it) |
در پشتِ | behind |
پنهان شده بود | he had become hidden |
به قول معروف | as the well-known saying goes |
در کمین | in ambush |
نشسته بود | he was sitting |
منتظر بود که | he was waiting for |
کبوترهائی که | the pigeons that |
میچریدند | they were grazing |
بیفتند / بیافتند | that they fall, (for them) to fall |
پس از | after |
که / وقتی که | when |
سه تا از کبوترها | three of them pigeons, three units of pigeons |
ناگهان | suddenly |
داد و فریاد | shouting and screaming |
دو نفر | two persons |
که داشتند نزدیک میشدند | who were approaching |
با صدای بلند | with loud voice, loudly |
باهم گفتگو میکردند | were conversing with one another |
از ترس اینکه | out of fear that |
رم کردن | to shy away, to get scared away |
فوری | immediately |
خود را رسانید | he made himself reach |
محض رضای خدا | for God's sake |
تا | in order that, so that |
مرغهای من | my birds, my fowl |
فرار نکنند | that they not run away / flee |
طلبه | Iranian Muslim religious student |
مدرسههای قدیم | the (religious) schools of old |
مذهبی | religious, traditional |
در یک مسئلهای | about a problem / issue |
که در آن اختلاف داریم | on which we have disagreement |
مباحثه میکنیم | we are discussing / debating |
آزاد | free, unrestricted |
که بیدار شود | that he, she, it should awaken |
مریض بستری | sick abed |
که ناراحت بشود | that he, she, it become disturbed |
آخر | in the end, don't you see, you know, etc |
سر و صدای | loud noise, disturbance |
اگر ساکت باشید | if you would be quiet |
دست بر داریم | that we quit, that we give up |
تا تو به کار خودت برسی | so that you attend to your work |
در این صورت | in this case |
اگر تو حاضر هستی | if you're ready / willing |
و گرنه | otherwise, or if not |
ممکن است تو بروی | it's possible you can go |
بساط | display of wares, goods |
پهن کنی | that you spread out / array |
صیاد | hunter |
آقایان | sirs, gentlemen |
من آدم کاسب هستم | I earn my living through trade |
چند نفر نانخور دارم | I have some dependents / bread-eaters |
فروش | selling |
آمدهاند نزدیک تله میچرند | they have come grazing near the trap |
اگر دو تا را شما ببرید | if you take two units |
و یکی بماند | and one should remain |
مدّتهاست | it's been ages |
چون | since, because |
تحفه | rarity |
مهمانی | party |
قسمت | portion, allotment |
ای خوشانصافها | Oh, just ones! |
مرغان = مرغها | birds, fowl |
مال بیابانند | they belong to the desert |
زن من بافتهاست | my wife has woven it / wove it |
وقف | charitable donation |
هیچ حقّی به گردن من ندارین | I am under no obligation to you |
مزاحم | botheration |
هرچه التماس کرد | no matter how much begging he did |
به گوش آنها نرفت که نرفت | they refused to listen |
اگر مرغها پریدند | if the birds should fly away |
یا باید قبول کنی ... یا ... | either you must agree to ... or ... |
ما هم به کار خودمان مشغول میشویم | we'll also get busy with our work |