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مدیر عامل | managing director |
نیک | good |
کالا | goods, merchandise, wares |
در واکنش به | in reaction to |
نخست وزیر | prime minister |
گرجستان | Georgia |
بخاری | heater |
شرق | east; name of a newspaper |
در حالی (که) | while |
مراسم | ceremonies, formalities |
تشییع | escorting the dead bidding farewell to the deceased |
جنازه | corpse, bier, funeral procession |
تشییع جنازه | funeral procession funeral ceremony |
برگزار میشود | it is being held, conducted |
نیز | also |
توجهات | attention(s) concerns |
برانگیخته است | it has provoked, excited, stimulated |
پس از آن که | after that that after |
پیدا شد، | paydā shod |
حدسهای اولیه | first guesses |
حکایت از ... داشت | it had it related to... it spoke of |
اندکی بعد | andaki ba`d |
خفگی | suffocation; stuffiness |
مسمومیت | poisoning |
نشت گاز | gas leak |
آنچه باعث شد | that which was the cause |
خبرگزاری | news agency, news service |
منبع اعلام خبر مذکور | the source of the announcement of the above-mentioned news |
تصریح کرده (است) | it has specified, stipulated |
اشکال | difficulties |
از نوع نصب بخاری | due to the way of installing the heater |
فاقد | lacking, missing |
لوله | pipe |
دودکش | exhaust (pipe) |
لذا | therefore |
ظاهراً | apparently, evidently |
تراکم | accumulation |
ناشی از | arising from, due to |
عدم انتقال | lack of conveying, removal |
شلنگ | flexible hose |
تهویه | ventilation |
طی پیام | in the course of the message |
جویا | inquiring |
سفارت | embassy |
باید همآهنگیهایی را انجام دهد | one must make certain agreements |
توضیحاتی را در این مورد اظهار داشت | he expressed explanations on this matter |
تأکید کرد | he emphasized, stressed |
شوروی | Soviet |
گرمایش | heating |
حرارت مرکزی | central heating |
از جمله | including |
مبتنی بر | based on |
فروپاشی | collapse, disintegration |
اتهام | accusation, charge |
ظرف ده سال | within ten years |
به صورت موقت | temporarily |
وظایف وی | his duties |