Directions: Click on Next.
بالله التوفیق | success comes from God |
غرض | intention |
گیتی | world |
بقایی | a continuation (of life) |
مگر | unless |
صاحبدلی | person of insight, one who has love in his heart |
به رحمت | due to mercy, out of mercy |
امعان نظر... | the intention in mind (was)... |
تهذیب ابواب | adornment of the chapters |
ایجاز سخن | brevity of speech |
مصلحت دید | he found it expedient |
روضهٔ غنّا | garden of singing |
حدیقهٔ غلبا | luxuriant garden |
تا به ملالت نینجامد | so it wouldn't end in tedium |
حوالت کردیم | we gave in charge, recommended |