Directions: Click on Next.
نخلبندی | a plantation |
شاهدی فروشم | I would sell a beloved |
کنعان | Canaan |
لقمان را گفتند | they said to Loqmān |
حکمت | wisdom, science, knowledge; a wise saying; philosophy, physic, medicine |
از که؟ | from whom? |
نابینایان | the blind ones |
قدّم الخروج قبل الولوج | First go out before coming in! |
شاطر | cunning, sly, clever |
باز | falcon |
رویین | brazen, bell-metal |
مصاف | ranks; fields of battle; battle |
سعت | being large, ample; amplitude, capacity, width; liberty, facility, opportunity, ability (of doing anything); power, wealth |
عوایب | faults |
کهتران | junior ones, inferior people |