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دیده | eye |
زمره | circle |
متجلّی | illuminated; splendid; displayed; transfigured |
متحلّی | melted, dissolved; exceptive in an oath; released from an oath by an expiation |
زیور قبول امیر کبیر | adornment of acceptance of the great prince |
مؤیّد مظفّر منصور | endorsed, victorious, supported (by God) |
ظهیر | assistant, supporter |
سریر سلطنت | throne of monarchy |
مشیر تدبیر مملکت | advisor of administration of the realm |
کهف الفقرا | shelter of the poor |
ملاذالغربا | patron of the poor, ones away from home |
مربّی الفضلا | trainer of the virtuous |
محبّ الاتقیا | lover of the pious |
افتخار آل فارس | the pride of the clan of Fars |
یمین الملک | the right-hand man of the country |
ملک الخواص | the king of the elite |
باربک فخر الدّولة و الدّین | minister of court of the pride of the government and religion |
غیاث الاسلام و المسلمین | help of Islam and Muslims |
عمدة الملوک و السّلاطین | most prominent of kings and sultans |
اطال الله عمره | may God prolong his life |
اجل قدره | (may God) glorify his power |
شرح صدره | (may God) increase his generosity |
ضاعف اجره | (may God) increase his reward |
ممدوح اکابر آفاق است | he's the praised one of the great universe |
مجموع مکارم اخلاق | collection of noble characteristics |
حواشی | (king's) retinue |
تهاون | negligence |
تکاسل | Indolence, sluggishness, negligence, carelessness |
روا دارند | they consider it permissible |
در معرض خطاب آیند | they shall be the target of address |
محلّ عتاب | the location of reprimand |
در غیبت اولیتر است | in absense is more important |
تصنّع | pretense |
از تکلّف دور | devoid of duty |
به اجابت مقرون باد | may it be close to acceptance |
اهل فضل | the virtuous |
حاجت مشّاطه نیست | no need for beautician |
روی دلارام | heart-calming face, beautiful face |