Angāsi -- Gereftan -- Perfective Inchoative Tense -- Persian to English -- Hard 3

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تمام روز سرپا ایستاده بودم برای همین تا یک صندلی پیدا کردم سریع از فرصت استفاده کردم و گرفتم نشستم.

All day long I had been standing, that’s why as soon as I’d found a chair, I quickly took advantage of the opportunity and went and sat down.

اون شبی که نامزدم گفت از ازدواج با من منصرف شده انگار دنیا رو سرم خراب شده بود رفتم خونه گرفتم نشستم و تا صبح زار زار گریه کردم آخه چه اتفاقی بعد از اون همه وعده‌های عاشقانه افتاده بود؟

That night that my fiancé(e) said (s)he had given up [the idea of] marriage with me, it was as if the world had been destroyed on my head, I went home and went and sat down and until morning sob-sob, I cried [thinking] after all, what happening had happened after all those amorous promises?

شب که رسیدم خونه به قدری خسته بودم که چشام رو به زور باز نگه داشته بودم واسه همین روی تخت ولو شدم و گرفتم خوابدیم.

In the evening, as soon as I reached home, I was so tired that with difficulty I had kept my eyes open. For this reason, I collapsed on the bed and went to sleep.

پسر وروجک از در و دیوار خونه بالا می‌رفت و اینقدر جست و خیز کرد که کفر باباهه رو در آورد اونم سرش داد زد
بگیر بتمرگ بچّه دیوانم کردی تو نمی‌تونی یک دقیقه یک جا آروم بشینی؟

The naughty boy was climbing the walls at home and jumping around so much that he was driving the father crazy. [The father] yelled at him, “Go and sit down, child, you’ve driven me crazy, you don’t know how to sit still in one place for one minute?”

شیطونه میگه بگیرم چپ و راستش کنم.

The devil in me is saying that I should go and beat him up thoroughly.

نگیره بزنتش.

I hope he does not beat her up.
I am worried he might beat her up.

نگیره بخوابه!

I hope he’s not overslept!

مرتیکه‌‌ٔ عوضی هر چی از دهنش در اومد بارم کرد منم گرفتم زدمش تا حساب کار دستش بیاد بفهمه با کی طرفه.

The jerk of a guy, all that came out of his mouth, he loaded up on me. I for my part went and beat him so that he get the accounting of the situation (take stock of the situation) and he understand with whom he’s dealing.

بگیر بتمرگ بچّه پای درس و مشقت و گرنه می‌گیرم می‌زنم ناکارت می‌کنم، ها.

Go sit right down kid to your lesson and homework or else I’ll come and beat you and render you non-functional, hear me?

بگیر بتمرگ بچه پای درسو مشقت وگرنه می‌گیرم می‌زنم ناکارت می‌کنم، ها.

Go sit right down kid to your lesson and homework or else I’ll come and beat you and render you non-functional, hear me?

زن که از دست شوهر معتادش جونش به لبش رسیده بود بهش گفت بگیر بمیر عوضی تا از شرت راحت بشم.

The woman who had had it up to here on account of her addict husband told him, “Go and die, Jerk, so I’m rid of you.”

بگیر بشین!

Sit down this instant!

بگیر بشین!

Sit down this instant!