Angāsi -- Gereftan -- English to Persian -- Easy 9a

Directions: Drag each phrase to match a picture.
I started crying

گریه‌ام گرفت

I started sneezing

عطسه‌ام گرفت

I started coughing

سرفه‌‌ام گرفت

I started hiccuping/hiccoughing

سکسکه‌ام گرفت

I became sad, depressed

دلم گرفت

I got a cramp in my foot/leg

پام گرفت

My foot/leg started hurting

پام درد گرفت

I got a stomach-ache

دلم درد گرفت

I got a headache

سردردم گرفت

I became angry

حرصم گرفت

My business started prospering

کارم گرفت

I started moaning, crying

ناله‌ام گرفت