Directions: Click on Next.
`avaz-esh | in contrast to it |
vā mishan | they become open |
barde-dār | slave-owner |
rosvā | disgraced |
gholum | slave |
ghosse | grief |
ghamesh-o zamin mizāre | he/she will put his/her sorrow on the ground |
hasir | straw mat |
dās | sickle |
var midāran | they pick up |
shor, shor, shor | whoosh, whoosh, whoosh |
qalb-e shab | heart of the night |
bad-gel | ugly |
ātish-bāzi | fireworks |
hālā-m | and now |
chizi be shab namunde | not much left until night |
suz-e tab | burning of fever |
jastan/jestan | to jump back |
vāysādan | to stop |
zolmat | darkness |
zanjir-bāf | chain-weaver |
pālun | saddle |
shangul | happy |
hamumak murche dāre | The Little Bath has Ants (a children's game) |
dar-biyāran | they perform |
bas-e dige | that's enough |
khat-khati | prettily striped |
lokht | naked |
`oryān | bare |
pā-pati | barefoot |
chelle | forty-day period |
chelle-kuchik | first twenty days of winter/summer |
chik-o chik | sound of nut-cracking |
nawdun | downspout |
bi-bi-jun | Nanny |
sar-base | concealed |
boz ru-ye bun | The Goat on the Roof (a children's story) |
hay | kept on ...-ing |
hers mikhorin | you agonize over |
jush mikhorin | you boil over in anger |
khāl-khāl | spotted |
khāli | merely, just |