Part 8 - Idioms: Persian to English

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حقّش بود

he was justified, in his rights
he deserved

سیگاری دود کند

that he smoke a cigarette

از جیبش درآورد

he took out of his pocket

عوضِ مکیدن

instead of sucking

هیچ کدوم مرده‌شور نبودن

none of them were body washers

وقتی بزرگ شدی

when you grow up

می‌خوای چه‌کاره بشی

What do you want to become?

هرچه خدا خواست

whatever God has willed

دلم می‌خواد

I wish

دست کرد تو جیبش

he put his hand in his pocket


May I sit down?
Shall I sit down?

گفتی که می‌خوام نویسنده بشم

you said you wanted to become a writer

چیزی سر درنیاوردم

I didn't understand a thing
I couldn't figure out


to tell you the truth

به فکرِ هیچ‌کس نرسیده باشه

that no one else would have thought of

مگر اون‌ها زحمت نمی‌کشن؟

I suppose you think they don't work hard?

کسی از کشاورز بدش نمی‌آد

No one dislikes farmers

به‌اش می‌گن

one says to him

خسته نباشی

Don't work too hard!