Part 5 - Idioms: Persian to English

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از ریشه بکندش

that he yank it out by the root

به جای این که

instead of [doing]

خدا می‌داند چه‌قدر...

God only knows how much...

اوقاتش تلخ شده بود

his temper had turned bitter
he'd become upset, in a bad mood

نیششان تا بناگوش باز بود

they were grinning from ear to ear, all the teeth were exposed

گره خورده بود

it was knotted, stuck

از زورِ خنده می‌ترکید

he was exploding under the force of laughter, couldn't contain his laughter

بگذارین ببینم

let me see, let's see

حسابی ترسیده بودم

I was really scared

می‌خواین دیگه نخونم؟

You want me to not read anymore?


Okay! Yes sir!

دوست ندارند که...

they don't like [to]...

می‌ترسند چون می‌دانند که...

they are frightened because they know that...

سوارِ دوچرخه‌اش می‌شود

he gets on his bicycle

پاسبان‌ها سرشان را برمی‌گردانند

police turn their heads away
look the other way

اگر خلاف هم بکند...

even if he commits an offense, does something against the law....

جریمه‌اش نمی‌کنند

they don't fine him, they don't give him a fine

دمِ بخت

at the threshhold of fortune, of marriageable age

تا به حال

up to now

بغلِ دستتان

right next to you, at your side

که چه حالی پیدا می‌کنید

that what state you'll be in, what that'll be like

مگر می‌توانید...؟

Do you really expect me to believe that you can...?

پیشِ کل اصغر

chez Kal Asghar, Kal Asghar's house

با اینکه

despite the fact that

با این حال

despite this situation, nevertheless, even though

کمتر کسی

hardly anyone

خبرِ دقیق

exact information

به روی بزرگوارشان نمی‌آورند

they politely pretend to not notice, take it in stride