Directions: Click on Next.
بیبی داشت سرِ حوض دستنماز میگرفت | Granny was performing ablutions |
از خانه زدم بیرون | I got out of the house |
از خمِ کوچه رد شدم | I'd rounded the bend |
یک راست | straightaway |
برقِ آقا را از تهِ کوچهشان دیدم | I caught a faint glimmer of him from the far end of the street |
پالتوئی تنش بود | he had a winter coat on |
به این زودی؟ | so early? |
دلم براتون تنگ شده بود | I missed you, I was missing you |
خیلی ممنون که | thanks for |
میخواستم یک جوری... | I wanted to somehow.... |
دنبالش رفتم تا دمِ خانهشان | I followed him up to the door of his house |
میل ندارم | I don't care for any, I don't want any |
گرفتاری برات پیش اومده؟ | Did you get in some kind of trouble? |
آقا، دستم به دامنتون | Sir, I'm begging you |
آقای ناظم خوشش نیومد | the vice-principal didn't like it |
عجب! | Really?! |
تعریف کردم | I recounted, described |
اگر خوشتون هم نمیاومد | even if you didn't like it |
حالا ناراحت نباش | now calm down |
کاری است که شده | What's happened has happened |
خیلی پیش میآد | it happens a lot |
خواستن ازت زهرِ چشم بگیرن | they just wanted to scare you a little |
دیرم میشه | I'm getting late |
غصّه نخور | Don't be anxious, don't feel down |
دارم دق میکنم | I'm about to die of grief |
برو پیشِ خودش | Go see him! |
نمیتونه مدرسه رو اداره کنه | he can't run the school |
اصلاً اهلِ ادبیات نیست | He's not the literary type at
all He's not into literature at all |
تعارف کرد که نان بخورم | He offerered me some bread |
به چرخ رکاب زدم | I pedaled my bike |