Part 12 - Idioms: English to Persian

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I spread out my bedding

رختخوابم را انداختم

all hell will break loose

قشقرقی راه می‌اندازد

no end of it in sight

آن سرش ناپیداست

do your homework

مشق‌هاتو بنویس

I didn't feel like sitting up

حال و حوصلهٔ نشستن نداشتم

from shame, due to shame

از زورِ خجالت

What's it to you?

به تو چه

a little bit, somewhat

یک خرده

I caught a cold

سرما خوردم

she sobbed, cried

هق و هق می‌کرد

she sniffled

دماغش را بالا می‌کشید

she prepared her water pipe

قلیانش را چاق کرد

she smoked the water pipe with gurgling noises

کرکر قلیان کشید

the sound died down, subsided

صدا وا نشست

tell me and reassure me

بگو، راحتم کن

Did you find out? Did you get some news?

تو خبر شدی

I swear on your life

به جانِ خودت

nothing has happened to (maternal) uncle

دائی چیزیش نشده

servant of God, the person, the poor creature

بندهٔ خدا

she won't fall asleep

خوابش نمی‌بَرد

she'll simply die of grief

پاک دق‌مرگ می‌شود

I felt sorry for her

دلم براش کباب شد

I was plain stuck

پاک وا مانده بودم

if I should announce, make it known

اگر بروز می‌دادم

Woe and misery!


It would be necessary to pack up and leave town

می‌بایست خر بیارم و باقالی بار کنم

she would create such a scene with her wailing and howling

شور و شیونی راه می‌انداخت

all the neighbors

همه اهلِ محل

if I gritted my teeth

اگر دندان روی جگر می‌گذاشتم

if I didn't say a word

لام تا کام حرف نمی‌زدم

she was shedding tears

هرهر اشک می‌ریخت

I waited until

صبر کردم تا

the gurgling sound of the water pipe stopped

صدای کرکرِ قلیانش خوابید

all choked up, I said

با بغض گفتم

while she was smoking the water pipe

همان جور که قلیان می‌کشید

she'd stopped thinking all kinds of bad things

از صرافتِ فکر و خیال‌های ناجور افتاده است

you yourself got the whim to

خودت هوس کردی که

I didn't say anything more

دیگر حرف نزدم

she recounted everything on her mind

دردِ دل کرد

you don't have to make a fuss

نباید معرکه راه بیندازه

I was wondering if something happened

من فکر می‌کردم آیا چه اتّفاقی افتاده

it was about to explode

داشت می‌ترکید

the bottom of the matter

ته و توی قضیه

I'll spill it all out

همه چیز را بریزم رو دایره

I kept turning and tossing

هی پهلو به پهلو شدم

I was tormented

عذاب کشیدم

I was going crazy

داشتم دیوانه می‌شدم

they don't let me write whatever I want

نمی‌گذارند هرچه می‌خوام بنویسم

Granny was asleep

بی‌بی خواب بود

the room was pitch dark

اتاق ظلمات بود