Part 11 - Idioms: Persian to English

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زنگِ آخر

in the last class period of the day

بعد از ظهر و شبش

that afternoon and evening

غصّه خوردم

I was grief-struck

پاک خودم را باخته بودم

I was completely down and out, in utter despair

بغ کردم

I was pouting, upset

قنبرک ساختم

I huddled up dejected and depressed

روم نمی‌شه که

I'm too shy to, I hesitate to

دق می‌کنه

she's going to die of grief

جوش که می‌زنه

when she gets worked up, excited

غش کرد و افتاد

she fainted, fell into a swoon

تو دردسر افتادم

I've gotten into a mess

پز می‌داد

she'd show off

تیپا زدیم زیرش

we kicked him, gave him a kick

انشام رو دست نداشت

nobody could top my compositions

کف می‌زدند

they would clap

خداخدا می‌کردم

I would hope and pray that, wish for

برو پیِ کارت

Get lost!

مگه می‌تونم هیچ‌چیز ننویسم

Do you really think I could not read anything?

از انشاء رد می‌شم

I'm going to flunk Composition class


they allow you to

حلوا حلوات می‌کنن

they put you on their shoulders

کاش ریاضیم خوب بود

If only I were good at math!

کاش فوتبال بلد بودم

I wish I knew how to play soccer!

قل‌قل می‌جوشید

it was boiling with bubbling noises

استکانی چای ریخت

she poured a glass of tea

شستش خبردار شد که

she figured out that
it dawned on her that


perked up

کاسه‌ای زیرِ نیم کاسه است

something is up

چته مجید؟

What's wrong with you, Majid?

نه و زهرمّار

Like hell no!

سگرمه‌هات رفته تو هم

you're all frowns

چه مرگته که

what the hell happened that

سرِ حال

in a good mood

ولت نمی‌کنم

I won't let you go, I'm not giving up, leaving you alone

بی‌بی پا شد

Granny got up, got to her feet

بالاخره می‌فهمم

I'll get it in the end