No One Knows About Persian Cats -- Vocab -- Persian to English

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certainly, definitely, for sure, see Tanvin

یه منیجر = یک منیجر

one manager, a manager


at least, at the least

پیدا می‌کنیم < پیدا کردن

we find, we'll find < to find, see Verb tense, present indicative for future

ببین < دیدن

(You) Look! See! < to see

نباید مهم باشه = نباید مهم باشد

it should not be important


important, Pronunciation: mohem(m), see Tashdid, word-final gemination, reappears with suffix

نباید ... باشه = نباید ... باشد

it should not be ..., see, Modals: bāyad + subjunctive

سرمایه‌ای که

the capital/asset that...


asset, capital, resource, investment

اینه که

is this that...

دور هم

around one another, all together, in each other's company

داریم موزیک می‌زنیم

we are playing music, see Verb Tense, present progressive

داریم موزیک می‌زنیم و حال می‌کنیم

we are playing music and having a good time

چمیدونم = چه می‌دونم

what do I know?, what can I say?

لب خیابون < لب خیابان

side of the street, curb, on the street corner


[at] the most [of it], at most, at worst


lip, edge, side, bank, curb

می‌ریم می‌زنیم

we go [and] we play, we go and play

هم شد

(it) could also happen, (it) may even happen

دیگه = دیگر

you know (a colloquial particle)

می‌ریم = می‌رویم < رفتن

we go < to go

آخرشه دیگه!

it's the end, you know!

آخرشه دیگه! ها!

it's the end, eh? that would be the end, don't you agree?

نزنیم < زدن

let us not play, we should not play < to play (instruments)

آره به خدا!

Yeah, really, I swear!


sure, certain

باشین < بودن

(You) Be sure! (Imperative, 2nd Plural)

لب خیابون هم خوبه = لب خیابان هم خوب است

The side of the street is also good, street corners are also okay

اتفاق خوبی می‌افته = اتفاق خوبی می‌افتد

a good thing is happening, something good is gonna happen

اتفاق می‌افته < اتفاق خوبی افتادن

it happens, [event] happens < to happen

به خدا

really, I swear (by God), see, Interjection: /be khodā/, Really! I swear!
من فکر... = من فکر...
I think...

می‌دونی = می‌دانی < دانستن

you know < to know

خوش‌بینم به = خوش‌بین هستم به

I am optimistic about



این قضیه

this matter, this thing, this affair

یه حسی < یک حسی

one feeling, a feeling, Pronunciation: ye hess-i, see Tashdid, word-final gemination, reappears with suffix


all the time, always



بهم = به‌ام = به من

to me, for me, in me, see,  /h/ glide insertion: be-h-em

می‌گه = می‌گوید < گفتن

he/she/it says < to say, to tell

عالیه = عالی است

it's great, it's fantastic
دردم اینه که...
my problem is this that...

دردم = دردِ من

my pain, my headache, my problem

آرزوم = آرزویم = آرزوی من

my wish, my desire

قشنگ آرزوم اینه

my desire is nicely/exactly this [that], see, Adjectives functioning as adverbs


wish, desire


Rickenbacker, an electric and bass guitar manufacturer based in California.

یه ریکن‌بکر داشته باشم

...[that] I had a Rickenbacker

داشته باشم

...[that] I had, see, The Simple Verb 'to have', /dāshtan/ is in the Perfect Subjunctive (not Present Subjunc)


I mean, that is to say

آره بابا!

Yeah, dude! see, Term of Endearment: bābā, 'friend', 'dude'

تو که دیگه باید...

You, for one, need to ...

بیس‌ت = بیس‌ات = بیسِ تو

your bass
تو باید ... عوض کنی
you need to change, you need to exchange, you need to get a new ...

عوض کنی < عوض کردن

[that] you change, exchange

... یه ریکن‌بکر بخرم

[I want that] I buy a Rickenbacker

بخرم < خریدن

[that] I buy < to buy



آسمون = آسمان



all, essentially, originally; at all, see Tanvin



صبح تا شب

[from] morning until night


in it, on it (on the island)

ساز بزنی و این‌ها

[that] you play instruments and so forth


musical instrument

ساز زدن

to play musical instruments, to play drums


no one, nobody

هیچکس هم نباشه

no one even would be there

بهت گیر بده

[that] he/she betray you, lit: give you to be caught

یدونه آشپز = یک دانه آشپز = یک نفر اشپز

a cook, one (counter) cook
a kind of soup


a kind of spinach and herb stew



فسنجون = فسنجان

a kind of pomegranate and walnut stew



برو بابا!

Dude, get outta here! Stop Dreaming!

تو هم با اون آرزوهای شیکّت

you also with all those fancy wishes of yours


chic, nice, good, classy


your chic + personal enclitic suffix, see Tashdid, word-final gemination, reappears with suffix