Hemlock 6 -- Flashcards -- Persian to English

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شایدم هوس کردیم بریم مسافرت

And maybe we might get a whim to go on a trip.

چطور مگه؟

What do you mean?

بهشون بگین آقاشون خیلی نازه

Tell her, her husband is really nice.

مواظب باشه قرشون نزنن

She should be careful that they don't snatch him.

علّاف تلفن عمومی نشم

so that I won't be stuck wandering around looking for a public phone

ای شکمو!

You glutton!

به معطلیش می‌ارزید

It was worth waiting for.

ما که قبلاً همه چیزو باهم طی کردیم

We already settled everything.

به دل‌خوریش نمی‌ارزه

It's not worth the heartache

کف دستمو بو نکرده بودم

I didn't foresee it, I had no clue it was coming

من که نمی‌تونم رو هوا ولش کنم

I can't let it go / abandon it

ما اینجا لنگ افلاک افتادیم

We are lying here crippled.

واقعاً نمی‌خواین از آرمای (آرم‌های) ما استفاده کنین؟

You really don't want to use our logos / trademark?

کارها قاطی شد

Things got entangled, messed up

منشیت گفت اومدی تهرون.

Your secretary said you've come to Tehran.

کُلّیَم (کلی هم) باید ممنون باشی

You should be grateful to me a whole lot

از این کار مسخره راحتت کردم.

I relieved you of / got you out of this ridiculous work

پس‌فردا عکس می‌گیرن.

The day-after-tomorrow they're taking x-rays.

اگر مهره جوش خورده باشه

If the vertebrae have set

به جز تو

except you

که از پس هر کاری برمی‌آی

You are capable of anything

با چه بهانه‌ای می‌خوای پا شی بیای تهران؟

What pretext will you have to just get up and come to Tehran?

چی خیال کردی...

What were you thinking…?

بعد از تصادف مخمم عیب کرده؟

after the accident my brain also got defective?

اصلنم اینجوریا که فکر می‌کنی نیست

It's not at all the way(s) you're thinking at all either

کاری نکن حسابام بهم بخوره

Don't do anything to upset my expectations/ calculations [of you]

حرف بی‌خود نزن

Don't talk nonsense

کلی کار ریخته رو سرم

A whole lot of things have been dumped on my head

چنگی به دل نمی‌زنه

It doesn't appeal to me, doesn't do anything for me, it's not that appealing

یادم می‌دی؟

Will you teach me [how]?