Hemlock 5 -- Flashcards -- Persian to English

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می‌خوام کارخونه رو جوری راه ببرم که چشمِ حسود بترکه

I want to run the factory in the way that it would cause the eye of the jealous to burst

چشمِ حسود بترکه

that the eye(s) of the jealous should burst

دوباره باید عملش کنند.

They have to perform another operation on him.

تو این هیری ویری

in all the mess

من از خدا می‌خوام!

This is what I wanted most!

تلفن عمومی

public phone

از یه دوست خواهش می‌کنم

I'll ask a friend of mine [to do it]

خیالمون راحت شه

so we won't have to worry

تلفونو خانومتون براتون تهیه کرد؟

Did your wife get this phone for you?

اطّلاع ثانوی

further notice

اُه اُه یعنی تخفیف بده

"Oh Oh" means "Give a discount!"

دوازده و پونصد

12,500 [tomāns]

حساب جیب منو بکن، بی‌انصاف

Think about my pocket, you unfair one

مغازه متعلّق به خودتونه

Consider it your shop,
My shop is your shop

از مغازهٔ شما همین یکی بسه

From your store just this one is enough, I just need the one item

آخ جون، دلم خنک شد!

Good, I feel better now that it happened to someone else.

حسابی فرصت دادم

I gave [him] enough time

به لطف شما روز خوبی بود

Thanks to you, it was a good day

اگر افتخار بدین بریم یه رستوران خوب

If you'll honor me, we'll go to a good restaurant. Would you honor me with your company….

شما برای تفریح و سرگرمی می‌آین سر کار؟

Do you come to work only for recreation and entertainment?

از سهام‌داران بیمارستان خودمون بود

He was one of our stockholders at the hospital

این خونه واسش حُکم پول خرد داشت

This house for him was like small change

گمونم منو و اینجا رو درسته فراموش کرد

I guess he forgot me and this place all together.

نه بابا!

No way! No man!

چه اشکالی داره

What is the problem with/ What's wrong with

که رابطه زن و مرد حساب و کتاب داشته باشه

that the relation between man and woman should be by the book

حساب و کتاب

by the book

صیغه یعنی ازدواج موقّت با شرایط معیّن

"sighe" means temporary marriage with specified conditions

چرا نمی‌تونی جدّی فکر کنی؟

Why can't you be serious?

برای اینکه جدّی‌تر از این فکر می‌کردم

Because I was thinking more seriously than this