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چند تا کلفت بارشون کردم | I unloaded a few cuss words on them |
لعنت به اون صداقتت! | Damn your honesty! (You were too nice to them.) |
در باغ سبز و نشون میدادی. | You should have strung them along a little. (You should have enticed them with just the garden door.) |
گیج شده بودم. | I was confused. |
پیشکش! | You can have it! Be my guest. |
قسطشو خودت بده. | You pay the installments |
پاداش، حق جذب... | bonus, incentive… |
مبارکه! | congratulations |
از کجا میآری؟ | Out of where did you manage to afford it? |
یخوردهم قرض کردم | a little also I borrowed |
گاومون زائده | Oh no! Oh shoot! |
عوارض باید پرداخت بشه | The taxes have to be paid |
میرم سراغ وزیر | I'm going to the minister |
یا شیر برمیگردم یا اصلاً برنمیگردم. | I'll either return with good news or I'll not return at all. |
مامان، امشب تهران بمونیم! | Mommy, let's stay in Tehran tonight |
تو رو خدا! | For heaven's sake! Please! |
حالا به این زودی که نمیشه | Now it can't be done so fast, you know |
یه فکرایی (فکرهایی) کردم | I was doing a little thinking, I have a few plans/ideas. |
رشوه خواری، بند و بست | bribe-taking, wheeling and dealing |
راستش روی طلای زنم حساب کردم | The truth is, I was counting on my wife's jewelry |
طلاهای من | my [gold] jewelry |
نمیشه جدّی حرف زد؟ | it's not possible to speak seriously? |
تا من زندهام تو لازم نیست طلاهاتو (طلاهایت را) بفروشی | As long as I'm alive, it won't be necessary for you to sell your jewels |
برای دل خانم نازنینم | for the heart of my sweet wife |
نمیتونم ببینم ماشین از جلوش رد بشه، آه بکشه | I can't bear to see a car pass in front of her and she sighs [from wanting one like that] |
نمیدونی زنجماعت چه بلایی سر مرد بیاره | You don't know what women-folk do to men |
فوقش میفروشیمش یه پراید میخرم | At the worst, we'll sell it and buy a Pride (make of car) |
تصادف کرده | He got in an accident |
آقای محترم، اینجا بخش آی سی یوه | My dear man, this is the I.C.U. section |
اینجا همه بیمارا ممنوعالملاقاتند | Here all the patients are "forbidden of visitation" |