Hemlock 1

Hemlock 1 -- Flashcards -- Persian to English

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به مدرسه راه ندن

that they not allow in school

بقچه / بغچه

cloth sack, bundle

خسته نباش، پهلوون

Hi, how are you, sport? (Literally: Don't be tired)

درمونده نباش

Hi, how are you? (Literally: Don't be helpless)

هوای این داداشِ ما رو داشته باش

Take care of this brother of mine. Watch out for my brother.

حواسم جمعه

I'm being careful, I'm concentrating, my full attention is on it

من مثل کبریت بی‌خطریم

My bark is worse than my bite, I'm like a safety match.

بابا جونش امشب دیر می‌آد

His Daddy is going to get home late tonight.

خودم برات می‌خرم

I'll buy [it] for you myself.

مدیرتون نگفته آب تصفیه نشده بخورین؟

Your principal didn't tell you to drink unpurified water?

مدیرمون گفته شکلات نخورین.

Our principal said don't eat candy.

سلام عرض شد.


شما که مهلت نمی‌دین.

You don't even give me a chance. You don't even let me speak.

کارها به عهدهٔ شماست

You're in charge of matters.

منو ضایع کردی، مهندس

You messed me up, Engineer.

زندگی‌مو نابود کردی

You destroyed my life.

زنم منو قال گذاشت و رفت

My wife ditched me.

دیروز صبح طلاقش دادم.

I divorced her yesterday morning.

خودتو جمع و جور نکنی، از اینم بدتر می‌شه

If you don't pull yourself together, it'll get even worse than this

کارخونه جای پخش مواد نیست.

A factory is not the place to distribute drugs.

اشتباه کردی

You made a mistake.

اینجا جای معتاد جماعت نیست.

This isn't the place for addicts / addict types.

به علی نکردم!

I swear to [Imām] `Ali, I didn't do it!.

می‌خوام خودمو بکشم.

I want to kill myself.

به‌ات نمی‌آد...

You're not the type who…, it doesn't suit you

باید مشق غیرت کنی.

You need some practice in "ghayrat." (Honorable behavior.)

ترک نکردی، برنمی‌گردی

don't come back until you've given it up

فکر خودت باش!

Take care of yourself. Think about yourself.

من عارم می‌آد.

I feel embarrassed, ashamed.