Directions: Click on Next.
تو را خدا به
داد من رسوند | God sent you to my rescue |
در خدمتونیم | At your service! |
شاهد | witness |
گیلاس زدن | to have a drink |
مهمونِ من باش! | Please come over to my place! |
تلفن بکن به من نیستی | You aren't going to call me |
قولِ شَرَف | word of honor |
قربانت | thanks |
دستافشار | hand-squeezed |
فردِ اعلاء | top-quality |
دعوا نداره | There's no reason to fight over that |
اشتباه اشتباه | mistake |
صاف و صوف | nice and clean |
مونده اونْورِ آب | stranded on the other side of the world |
پدر زن | father-in-law |
خواهر زن | sister-in-law |
مُهندس | engineer |
سر کسی بوی قُرمه سبزی دادن | to start dabbling in politics |
اصطلاح | term, idiomatic expression |
انگُشتاتو میخوری | you'll find it finger-licking good |
با دست خوردن | to eat with one's fingers |
بر قرار و جاوید باش | Long life to you! |
معذرت خواستن | to apologize |
قرار گذاشتن | to make an appointment, to set a date |
اسلحه | weapon |
دور زن | long-range |
صدا خفهکن | silencer |
پرنده | bird |
پس دادن | to give back, to return |
قهرمان | champion, hero |
ارتش | military, army |
مهارت | skill |
شلیک کردن | to fire |
قیمه | food dish with |
شبانه روزی | boarding school |
چی مَیْل داری؟ | What will you have? |
آبمیوه یا آبِ میوه | fruit juice |
ناهار | lunch |
خورشت کرفس | food dish: stew with celery |
شرط | condition |
برنامه که نداری؟ | You don't have any plans, right? |
میخواست حرف بدی بزنه | He was going to say a bad word |