فرستاده ۱
Directions: Click on Next
فرستاده | sent, The Mission |
صلاح نبود | it wasn't a good idea, plan |
راحت اومدی | Did you have a nice trip here? |
برای رفع احتیاج | enough for minimum requirements |
خودآموز | self-instructing |
نقشه | map |
خوراکی موراکی | edibles and stuff |
سوسک | cockroach |
اجاق گاز | gas stove |
تله مله | traps and stuff |
دستورات لازم | necessary instructions |
عقب افتاد | it got delayed, fell behind |
با اجازه | with your permission; ok |
قبله | direction towards Mecca in which to pray |
دست شما درد نکنه | thanks |
چفت در را بیانداز | Bolt the door! |
عکس العمل | reaction |
محاصره | surrounding |
تولید و صدور | import & export |
دخلشو آوردن که | They finished him off, you know |
حاضر باش | Be ready! |
روضه است | It's a rawze prayer meeting |
کفشاتو در بیار | Take off your shoes! |
روزنامه | newspaper |
ملاحظه کردید | Did you notice? |
آسان کردن | They made it easy, simplified things |
بیاید تو | Come in! |
قیافهاش | his looks |
نامزد | candidate |
اعدام انقلابی | revolutionary-style execution |
جرم | crime |
شکنجه | torture, suffering |
مُنتفی شدن | to cease to exist; to lose it's point |
هدف | goal |
وظیفهشناسی | being responsible |
حفظ کنید | Memorize it! |