Dāsh Ākol 2 -- Flashcards -- Finglish to English

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dādāshbrother, older brother, bro
lutia chivalrous scoundrel
cheshm-e hame be to rawshanyou make everyone happy to see you
ru-siyāhi beh-at mimunedisgrace will remain on you
daftar(main) ledger, permanent acount book
dastak(small) ledger, temporary account book
tu daftar-o dastak-e ye ādam-e puldārin the ledgers (employment) of a rich man
bi-khudifor no reason
esm-et-o gozāshtiyou named yourself
barā-ye boridan-e gis-e zan-ā tiz-eit is sharp for chopping off women's hair
age hawsele dāshtamif I had the patience, if I felt like it
miferestādam-at darakI would send you to hell
āreyeah, yep
yek hafte ast kefor one week
dige hawsele nadāriyou haven't the patience anymore
dige barāsh hāl-o hawsele-i bāqi nemimuneno longer any mood and patience remains for him, he's no longer in the mood or has the patience
payghām message
chand shab-eit's been a few nights
cheshm be-rāh-amI am with eyes on the road, I've been waiting
bebaram-ash maktabthat I take him to school, teach him a lesson
yāru the guy
tarside (ast)he is scared
chi be-sh begam?what should I tell him?
nis / nistit is not
kafārr-ash (kafārre-ash)his blood-money, fine for killing
bezan be kucheHit the road! Get lost!