Directions: Hit "Next"
والله | My God, gosh, well |
نقاشی | painting |
میتونم بگم | I would say, I can say |
روش کار کردم | I worked on it |
بسیار | very |
ریزهکاری | detail, craftsmanship |
گربه | cat |
تو این | in this |
نگاه | glance |
شیش تا | six of them |
به در و دیوار | all around the room |
توی راهرو | in the hallway |
گنجه | cupboad |
قفسه | cupboard, shelves |
آوزون | hanging |
هفتمیشو | the seventh + direct object marker |
عکس | picture |
آبی | blue |
یه دونه تابلو | one painting |
دونه | counting word |
تا | counting word |
توش | in it |
خود | same, self |
حالت | condition, state |
طبیعی | natural |
شیطونی | naughtiness |
نشون میده | it shows |
بالای قفسه | on the shelves |
یکیش | one of them |
بالای قفسه کتابند | they are on the bookshelf |
استراحت | rest, comfort |
نارنجی | orange |
کسی که | the person who |
به صورت دقیق | in a careful, close way |
خطرناک | dangerous |
به حالت خطرناکی | in a dangerous position |
نصف | half |
بدنش | its body |
کلهاش | its head |
هم | also |
کلهاش کرده توی اون | has put its head in it |
یه گربه هستش که | there is one cat which |
طرف چپ | on the left side |
اتاق مجاور | adjoining room |
داره وارد میشه | is in the act of entering |
اونم | it too |
بیننده | one who sees, viewer |
اگر که دقت بکنین | if you look carefully |
در گوشه | in the corner |
که دیوار رنگش عوض میشه | where the color of the wall changes |
عوض | change, exchange |
بین | between |
صورتی | pink |
که نورش | whose light |
پخش | scattering |
زمین | ground |
یک مقدار | some, a little |
مخلوط | mixed |
قاطی | mixed, confounded |
کمد | dresser, chest of drawers |
لباسها | clothes |
قرار گرفته | has settled, taken its place |
وجود داره | exists |
قبلاً | earlier |
توصیف دادم | I described |
همون | that very |
پشت دیواری که | on the back wall which |
پشت | back, behind |
گنجه قفسه قفسه لباسها س | it is a clothes dresser |
مثل گلدونی میمونه | it resembles a vase |
برگهای گل | flower petals |
گل و ول | flowers and stuff |
چیزا | things |
جالبترین قست | most interesting part |
به نظر من | in my view |
کتابهائی که | the books which |
به خاطر این که | because |
عاشق | lover |
سعی کردم | I tried |
مجسم بکنم | to sculp, to give form to |
دوست دارم | I like |
به اضافه این که | in addition to this that |
مختلف | various |
وجود داشته باشه | should exist |
اگر که متوجه شده باشین | if you might have noticed |
حتی | even |
میز کوچیکی که | the little table which |
جفت صندلی | pair of chairs |
مشغول خوندن بوده | had been busy reading |
چند تا از کتابها | a few books |
در مورد رنگها | concerning the colors |
زنده | alive, living |
میسازم | I make |
استایلی که | the style which |
به اصطلاح | as they say |
عنوان | title |
تا سه سال قبل | until three years ago |
تازه | newly, just |
اصلاً خبر نداشت | it had no clue at all |
روحم | my soul |
با استادی که | with the master who |
نتیجه | result, conclusion |
ایشون | he |
صحیح | correct(ly) |
یادگیری این اصطلاح | leaning this expression |
موفق | successful |
که برم | that I should go |
مطالع | study |
راست میگن | he is saying correctly |
کاسه | pot, bowl |
هرچه | whatever |
شکستنیه | it is about to break, breakable |
در حقیقت | in reality |