Directions: Click on Next
بله | yes |
امروز صبح | this morning |
الآن | now |
دانا رو | Donna + direct object marker |
که بردارم ببرم | that I pick up and take |
دنبال | after, on the track of |
میگشتم | I was wandering around, searching |
ماشینم | my car |
برای | for the sake of |
واقعاً | really |
خیلی | very |
مشکل | difficult |
هس، هست | is |
جا | place |
پیدا کنم | that I find |
به اندازهٔ | to the extent of |
پونزده | fifteen |
دقیقه | minute |
شاید | perhaps |
بیست | twenty |
ماشینو | car + direct object marker |
این بر، این ور | this side, this way |
اون بر، اون ور | that side, that way |
تو این خیابون | in this street |
تو | in |
هیچ | no, none |
آخر کار | finally, at the end of the matter |
یه | one |
داشت | he, she it had |
بعد، بعداً | after, then, so |
خوشحال | happy |
اونجا | there |
یه دلار دادم دانا | I gave Donna one dollar |
اینو چینج کرد | he, she, it changed it |
عوض کرد | he, she it changed/ exchanged |
یعنی | that is, meaning |
پول خرد | small change |
کار نمیکرد | he, she it was not working |
خراب | broken |
برگردم برم | that I return to go |
آیا | whether, is it the case that |
خوب | good, ok |
یا اینکه | or this that |
یه دونه | one + counting word |
یه دونه جریمه | one fine, one ticket |